Arts & Culture

On Our Radar: Civil War Myths, a New HBO Series on QAnon, and More

Megan HealeyMegan Healey
4th April 2021
Last update
12:09 am
5th April 2021
On Our Radar: Civil War Myths, a New HBO Series on QAnon, and More
A Civil War re-enactors in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (Photo by Joe RaedleGetty).

Note: The views and opinions expressed in blog/editorial posts are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the views or opinions of Misbar.

The conversation surrounding misinformation, fake news, and fact-checking is constantly evolving. As changing technology changes the way we take in information, new cultural and ethical considerations arise. Here is a collection of recent readings, podcasts, and other media we’ve highlighted from around the web that address the latest issues in fact-checking.

What We’re Reading:

A social scientist reflects on how social media algorithms create limited worldviews. 

A collection of obituaries on media professionals and journalists who have lost their lives to coronavirus.

A profile of a former Virginia congressman who is fighting against radicalism within the GOP, and trying to shine a light on disinformation within his party.

During a remote hearing last week, members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee heavily criticized the three top tech CEOs on how they’ve handled misinformation and online extremism.

What We’re Listening To:

A new podcast reports on the origins of the “lost cause myth” - the idea that the Civil War was not about slavery - and investigates how century-old misinformation still impacts our democracy today.

What We're Watching:

This six part miniseries chronicles the growing scope of QAnon, and examines its influence on American culture and politics.


Image: A Civil War reenactment in Gettysburg, PA. Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images

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