
CAMERA Pressures Media To Favor Israel in Editorial Policies

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27th November 2024
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27th November 2024
CAMERA Pressures Media To Favor Israel in Editorial Policies
Reports suggest CAMERA intimidates media and editors

In November 2023, a Misbar investigation uncovered extensive efforts by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), a powerful lobbying group that significantly influences U.S. media. CAMERA closely monitors and influences media content and editorial direction to align with pro-Israel narratives.

While the organization claims to promote accurate and balanced coverage of Israel and the Middle East, the investigation revealed its efforts are often unbalanced and biased, aiming to shape news coverage to favor Israel's interests.

How Did an Israeli Lobby Shape the Editorial Policy for Western Media?

CAMERA Leads Active Campaigns to Influence Western Media Coverage

On November 7, following pressure from CAMERA's office in Israel, the Associated Press removed a report that stated, "international law gives Palestinian refugees and their descendants the right to return to their homes."

The Associated Press later issued a revised version, framing the concept as a Palestinian perspective rather than a legally binding right under international law. The updated report presented the issue as contentious and open to debate.

AP removes false reporting that International law gives Palestinians right of return

CAMERA also pushed the Associated Press to urge its syndication partners, including The Washington Post, ABC, and The Toronto Star, to revise their versions of the report. The organization continues to pressure outlets like The Los Angeles Times that have yet to update their versions. Additionally, CAMERA reportedly pressured the Associated Press to delete the original report and republish an updated version, ensuring the original was not archived online before the revisions.

CAMERA Leads Active Campaigns to Influence Western Media Coverage

Why CAMERA’s Approach Is Considered Biased and Misleading

The Associated Press case is just one of the most recent examples of the coercive tactics CAMERA uses to pressure media outlets through political and financial influence. CAMERA is particularly focused on criticizing media coverage that gives space to Palestinian narratives or highlights the suffering of Palestinians under occupation.

Previous investigations, including one by Misbar, have found that these efforts aim to create a biased image of Israel for the public, portraying Palestinian narratives as unreliable or contentious. What is particularly concerning is that these revisions are often made in a "silent" manner, resembling directives, with no clarifications issued by media outlets that their reports have been altered. This reshapes news to serve Israel’s political interests while evading accountability from the public or media watchdogs.

Media Outlets Alter Content Under Pressure

Previous investigations reviewed by Misbar indicate that CAMERA uses intimidation tactics to pressure media outlets and editors, often resorting to measures that could be seen as defamatory and unprofessional if its instructions are not followed. These tactics include organizing mass petition campaigns or sending numerous complaints to media outlets publishing articles or reports critical of Israel. These campaigns apply considerable pressure, often forcing media organizations to revise their coverage against their will or retract certain reports altogether.

Observers note that over time, CAMERA’s persistent pressure has fostered a culture of self-censorship within the media. Journalists and editors, fearing backlash from CAMERA or its orchestrated campaigns, tend to avoid addressing sensitive topics or presenting diverse narratives.

Reports also highlight how CAMERA targets journalists and writers who express opposing views on Israeli policies, accusing them of bias or unprofessionalism. In some cases, serious allegations are made that damage reputations or career prospects, causing many to avoid addressing sensitive topics to prevent confrontation.

CAMERA’s strategies not only restrict free journalism but also hinder the public’s ability to access diverse and balanced coverage of issues related to Israel and Palestine. When pressure is applied to silence dissenting voices, alternative narratives that could contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the conflict are marginalized. A report titled The Future of News, published by the U.K.’s Communications and Digital Committee, underscores that high-quality journalism strengthens democracy, accountability, and the ability to hold power to account. Excessive pressure on the press weakens these fundamental principles.

This can be observed in the gradual shift in the BBC’s editorial policy regarding its coverage of the Gaza war, following the publication of a critical report about it by CAMERA.

Dedicated Platforms for Monitoring and Influencing Media

CAMERA dedicates a section of its website to each major media outlet, such as Reuters and The New York Times. These sections feature periodic reports that meticulously analyze the content of these outlets, focusing on everything from the arrangement of news stories to the implicit meanings in texts and headlines. If any content is found to deviate from the narrative CAMERA promotes, the organization publishes critical reports urging the media outlets to make corrections.

If these outlets fail to comply with CAMERA’s demands, the organization escalates its actions. This includes exerting pressure to cut funding from the targeted institutions, lobbying advertisers to end their relationships with these media outlets, and interfering with journalists’ professional and personal lives.

CAMERA’s approach has been described as “coercive,” as its objectives go beyond ensuring factual accuracy. Instead, the organization actively promotes a one-sided narrative that aligns with Israeli policies, employing tactics resembling political propaganda campaigns rather than fostering genuine journalistic accountability.

Dedicated Platforms for Monitoring and Influencing Media
Dedicated Platforms for Monitoring and Influencing Media

Concerns Over CAMERA’s Funding Transparency and Suppression of Dissenting Jewish Voices

CAMERA, registered as a nonprofit organization, does not publicly disclose detailed information about its donors and funding sources. This lack of transparency raises significant concerns, especially since nonprofit entities, often enjoying tax-exempt status, are expected to rely on donations from individuals, supporting institutions, and other undisclosed sources to finance their activities.

Transparency in funding is a fundamental standard for nonprofit organizations, as it fosters trust and credibility among the public and donors. Since these organizations are typically registered as tax-exempt entities, it is crucial for them to disclose their funding sources to ensure accountability.

CAMERA’s Funding Transparency and Suppression of Dissenting Jewish Voices

Despite its own lack of transparency, CAMERA actively pressures other organizations to comply with its demands. One notable example is its campaigns against U.S.-based groups critical of Israeli policies, such as Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). CAMERA has organized extensive efforts to silence JVP’s criticism of Israeli policies, including publishing reports that trace JVP’s funding sources and lobbying to sever these financial connections.

CAMERA has organized extensive efforts to silence JVP’s criticism of Israeli policies

Additionally, CAMERA routinely discredits institutions that support Jewish groups opposing Israel in the United States. It often disseminates questionable information, alleging that these targeted groups have hidden agendas. Among these claims are accusations that such groups are aligned with other left-leaning political entities that are supposedly hostile to Jews at their core.

CAMERA has organized extensive efforts to silence JVP’s criticism of Israeli policies

CAMERA's Directives Undermine the Free Press and Promote Misinformation

The Future of News report highlights significant challenges facing the news and digital media sectors in the coming years, noting that various entities are undermining the independence of these platforms amid the growing spread of misinformation.

The news industry is steadily facing declining trust, increased audience disengagement, and a sharp drop in revenue for the most reliable media outlets. Efforts to silence journalism, especially investigative reporting, worsen these challenges. Altering news content to align with lobbying organizations' demands further erodes public trust and weakens the media's role as a longstanding pillar of professionalism and positive change.

Moreover, marginalizing the free and diverse voices of journalism contributes to the spread of misinformation, pushing audiences toward less reliable sources on social media for news. The Communications and Digital Committee report clearly highlights the looming risks to the future of professional media, presenting a grim outlook as digital platforms increasingly dominate news sources, limiting media plurality.

Over more than a year of the Gaza war, Misbar documented a significant increase in the activity of Israeli lobbying organizations shaping media narratives. These groups, including U.N. Watch, Honest Reporting, and the Anti-Defamation League, were found to influence reports that often featured misleading information and baseless accusations, steering multiple campaigns in support of Israel.

Beyond the suppressive environment created by these organizations and their push for unbalanced coverage of events in Gaza, their actions risk undermining the role of independent media outlets. This influence erodes journalistic integrity and professionalism, damaging the credibility of media institutions.

This danger is clearly highlighted in the Future of News report, which warns of the realistic possibility that the news environment may experience irreparable fractures within the next five to 10 years. These changes, driven by the rising tide of misinformation, could have serious consequences for democracy and freedom of expression.

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