
Biden Didn't Take a Knee During National Anthem in Miami

Deja Tyla HansenDeja Tyla Hansen
21st October 2020
Last update
10:45 pm
29th March 2021
Biden Didn't Take a Knee During National Anthem in Miami
He took a knee, but not during the national anthem (Getty Images).

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During the 2020 U.S. presidential campaign, Democratic nominee Joe Biden has been a popular conversation topic. Critics have stated that during the national anthem in Miami, he took a knee. An image was posted on Facebook on October 10th showing an image of Joe Biden kneeling in Miami. The post read: “Taking a knee during the National Anthem!! Let that sink in… A PRESIDENTIAL candidate taking a KNEE during our NATIONAL ANTHEM!!! Taking a KNEE for the very freedoms you claim you are going to protect and defend!! NO THANKS!!” Comments showed anger towards Joe Biden and criticized him as a potential presidential candidate.

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